Teaching and Technology in a Business Setting as Compared to the Traditional School Settings
My inquiry will follow three threads through my exploration of the topic drawn directly from the Masters of Teaching Handbook 2011/12 edition.
Integration of theory and practice - The overlap between pedagogy and good business practice.
Relationship to the practical - Technology as a tool of all teachers
Benefit of the Inquiry - What this has taught me about my own teaching and learning
I really wanted to explore the crossover between what I have been learning in our program and another level of educational institution, the University of Calgary. Our examples, case studies and experiences are all drawn from the school system, public and private, but clearly the skills of curriculum interpretation and delivery have much wider applications. Given that school funding has fallen this year, many of my cohort are finding jobs outside of the school system and I wanted to explore this option.
I had the unique opportunity to work my way through a few different positions at the University IT Support Centre, handling direct issues and troubling-shooting to solutions, but not yet in an instructor role, so my experiences are drawn from a few projects I volunteered with and speaking to a current instructor. Teaching people how to use technology has always been a point of interest for me, the circumstances that led to me to teaching originally and where I find myself now drawn. It is from that experience and coworkers that I drew many conclusions and observations detailed here, and these are by no means representational of all business settings.
The resources and some of the writings have been drawn from other projects that have been completed over the course of the teacher preparation degree, with a single citation. This was done deliberately, as this project has served as a vehicle to answering questions that have come up over the course of two years that I found no answers to without this deliberate inquiry.